Christ Centered Healing
What is Inner Healing Prayer?
Jesus came to heal the broken-hearted (Psalm 147:3/Isaiah 61:1-3). We define inner healing as sanctifying and transformational prayer. It is inviting Jesus to come in and minister to the wounds in our soul to take away any emotional strongholds and/or reveal truth to any lies. We rely on the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to guide this time of deep personal prayer.
What is our soul?
The Bible describes us as having three parts; our body (5 senses), our spirit (the deepest most inner part of our being) and our soul which is best described as our mind, will and emotions. (I Thessalonians 5:23)
What are soul wounds?
Wounds to our soul can occur when trauma, abuse, or an intense situation overwhelm us to the point we disassociate in order to cope with the intense emotion or pain. These wounds often go undetected throughout life and can cause excessive emotional overreactions, often to the point we can’t control them. We are especially vulnerable to this type of wounding when we are young and have limited coping skills.
What are the effects of soul wounds?
Depression, Anxiety, Hopelessness, Rejection, Physical pain, Anger, Voices, Self-Harm, Suicidal Thoughts or Attempts, Sleeplessness, Nightmares, Numbness, Confusion, Loneliness, Unexplained Illness, Darkness, Despair, Worthlessness, Heaviness and many others…
What is Deliverance Prayer?
Deliverance is receiving FREEDOM from spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical demonic bondage by the authority and power of Jesus Christ. Deliverance is nothing to be afraid of. It is biblical and a powerful expression of God’s love and mercy. It can be a very gentle and uplifting experience.
What are demons?
Demons are fallen angels who joined Satan in rebellion against God. (Isaiah 14:12-15, Ezekiel 28:11-19, Luke 10:18-19) Demons have no redeeming qualities. They are pure evil. When given a legal right, they have the power and ability to attack our thoughts by convincing us to believe lies. They can also attack our emotions and physical bodies. (Luke 4:31-38, 40-41, 8:26-39, 9:1-2, 10:18-19, 11:14-28, John 10:10, Ephesians 6:10-19, I Corinthians 10:19-22)
How is it that a person can be tormented and need deliverance?
A demon’s ability to torment someone is based on unconfessed voluntary sin, generational sin, spiritual ignorance (occult practices) or sin perpetrated against us (wounds). These types of sin create “legal rights” for demons to afflict us. All people are targets of the enemy, including Christians.
Our Approach to Inner Healing and Deliverance
God can heal and deliver in any way at any time. We create an environment of focused attention on you, your specific situation and your relationship with Jesus, opening you up for a breakthrough in the healing process. At the conclusion of your appointment, we prepare and equip you to continue this process on your own with Your Great Healer and Deliverer.